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- Pokemon Action Figures, Plush Dolls & Cards from C to D
Pokemon Action Figures, Plush Dolls & Cards from C to D
Search for the pokemon you're looking for in our vast library of all Pokemon Figures and Trainers listed alphabetically.
Cacnea 331
Cacturne 332
Camerupt 323
Carnivine 3 Inches 455
Carvahna 318
Caterpie 010
Celebi White 251
Celebi Green 251
Celebi Pokemon Plush Doll 251
Chansey 113
Chansey 3 Inches 113
Charizard 006
Charizard 3 Inches 006
Charizard Pokemon Plush 7" Doll 006
Charizard Pokemon Plush Doll - Large 006
Charizard Pokemon Plush Doll V2- Large 006
Charmander 004
Charmander with Stand 004
Charmander 4 Inches 004
Charmander Pokemon Plush Doll 004
Charmander Large Plush Doll 004
Charmeleon 005
Chatot 441
Chatot 3 Inches 441
Chatot Pokemon Plush 6" Doll 441
Chatot Plush Doll -Medium 9 Inches 441
Cherrim 421
Cherrim 3 Inches
Cherrim Pokemon Mini Plush Doll
Cherrim Pokemon Large Plush Doll
Cherubi 420
Cherubi Pokemon Plush Doll Style #1
Cherubi Pokemon Plush Doll Style #2
Chespin Pokemon Plush Doll 650
Chespin Pokemon Plush Doll - Large 650
Chikorita 152
Chikorita Pokemon Mini Plush 4" Doll 152
Chikorita Pokemon Plush 6" Doll 152
Chimchar 390
Chimchar 3 Inches 390
Chimchar Pokemon Mini Plush Doll
Chimchar Pokemon Plush Doll
Chimchar Pokemon Large Plush Doll
Chimecho 358
Chinchou 170
Chingling 433
Chingling Pokemon Mini Plush Doll
Cinccino 573
Clamperl 366
Claydol 344
Clefable 036
Clefairy 035
Clefairy 4 Inches 035
Cleffa 173
Cleffa Pokemon Mini Plush Doll 173
Cloud Castform 351
Cloyster 091
Cobalion 638
Cobalion Pokemon Mini Plush Doll 638
Combee Pokemon Mini Plush Doll
Combusken 256
Conkeldurr 534
Corphish 341
Corsola 222
Corsola Mini Plush Doll 222
Cottonee 546
Cradily 346
Cranidos 408
Cranidos 3 Inches 408
Cranidos Pokemon Mini Plush Doll 408
Crawdaunt 342
Cresselia 488
Cresselia Pokemon Plush 6" Doll 488
Croagunk 453
Crobat 169
Croconaw 159
Cubchoo 613
Cubone 104
Cyndaquil 155
Cyndaquil 3 Inches 155
Cyndaquil Pokemon Plush Doll 155
Darkrai 491
Darkrai Pokemon Plush 491
Darmanitan 555
Darmanitan 3 Inch 555
Darmanitan Mini Plush Doll 555
Darumaka 554
Darumaka Pokemon Plush Doll 554
Dedenne Pokemon Plush Doll 702
Deerling Spring 585
Deerling Spring Plush Doll 585
Deerling Summer 585
Deerling Summer Pokemon Plush 5" Doll 585
Deerling Autumn 585
Deerling Winter 585
Deerling Winter Pokemon Plush 5" Doll 585
Deino 633
Delcatty 301
Delibird 225
Deoxys (Normal) 386
Deoxys (Attack) 386
Deoxys (Defense) 386
Deoxys (Speed) 386
Dewott 502
Dewott 3 Inch 502
Dewott Pokemon Plush 7" Doll 502
Dewgong 087
Dialga 483
Dialga Pokemon Plush Huge 20" Doll 483
Diglett 050
Ditto 132
Dodrio 085
Doduo 084
Donphan 232
Dragonair 148
Dragonair Pokemon Plush Doll 148
Dragonair Pokemon Plush Doll -Large 148
Dragonite 149
Dragonite Pokemon Plush 6.5" Doll 149
Drapion 452
Drapion 3 inches 452
Dratini 147
Drilbur 529
Drilbur Pokemon Plush 6" Doll 529
Drifblim 426
Driflim Mini Plush 6" Doll
Drifloon Mini Plush Doll
Drowzee 096
Druddigon 621
Ducklett Pokemon Mini Plush 5" Doll 580
Ducklett 580
Dugtrio 051
Dunsparce 206
Dusclops 356
Dusknoir 477
Duskull 355
Duskull Pokemon Mini Plush 5" Doll
Dustox 269
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