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- Pokemon Action Figures, Plush Dolls & Cards from S to T
Pokemon Action Figures, Plush Dolls & Cards from S to T
Search for the pokemon you're looking for in our vast library of all Pokemon Figures and Trainers listed alphabetically.
Sableye 302
Salamence 373
Salamence 3 inches 373
Salamence Pokemon Plush Doll 373
Samurott 503
Samurott Pokemon Mini Plush 4" Doll 503
Samurott Pokemon Plush Large Doll 503
Sandile 551
Sandile 3 Inch 551
Sandile Pokemon Plush Doll 551
Sandshrew 027
Sandslash 028
Sawsbuck spring 586
Sawsbuck summer mini plush doll 586
Sawk 539
Sawk Pokemon Mini Plush 5" Doll 539
Sceptile 254
Scolipede 545
Scolipede Mini Plush 5" Doll 545
Scizor 212
Scizor 3 Inches 212
Scraggy 559
Scraggy 3 Inch 559
Scraggy Pokemon Plush Doll 559
Scrafty 560
Scyther 123
Seadra 117
Seaking 119
Sealeo 364
Seedot 273
Seel 086
Seismitoad 537
Sentret 161
Serperior 497
Serperior Pokemon Plush Doll -Medium 497
Servine 496
Servine 3 Inch 496
Servine Pokemon Plush Doll 496
Seviper 336
Sewaddle 540
Sharpedo 319
Shaymin 492
Shaymin 3 Inch 492
Shaymin Pokemon Mini Plush 6" Doll
Shaymin Pokemon Plush 9" Doll
Shaymin Large Plush Doll
Shaymin Sky Form
Shaymin Sky Form Plush
Shedinja 292
Shellder 090
Shellgon 372
Shellos East (Blue) 422
Shellos West (Pink) 422
Shieldon 410
Shiftry 275
Shinx 403
Shinx Pokemon Plush Doll 403
Shroomish 285
Shuckle 213
Shuppet 353
Silcoon 266
Sigilyph 5" Pokemon Mini Plush 561
Simipour 516
Simipour Pokemon Mini Plush 4" Doll 516
Simisage 512
Simisear 514
Skarmory 227
Skiploom 188
Skitty 300
Skitty Pokemon Plush Doll 300
Skorupi 451
Skorupi 3 Inch 451
Skuntank 435
Slaking 289
Slakoth 287
Slowbro 080
Slowking 199
Slowpoke 079
Slugma 218
Smeargle 235
Smoochum 238
Sneasel 215
Sneasel Pokemon Mini Plush Doll
Snivy 495
Snivy Pokemon Plush Doll 495
Snorlax 143
Snorlax 3 inches 143
Snorlax Pokemon Mini Plush Doll 143
Snorunt 361
Snover 459
Snubbull 209
Solrock 338
Spearow 021
Spheal 363
Spinarak 167
Spinda 327
Spiritomb 442
Spiritomb Pokemon Plush Doll 442
Spoink 325
Squirtle 007
Squirtle 4 inches Figure 007
Squirtle Pokemon Mini Plush 4" Doll 007
Squirtle Pokemon Plush Doll 007
Stantler 234
398 Staraptor
398 Staraptor Pokemon Mini Plush Doll
Staravia 397
Starly 396
Starly 3 Inches 396
Starly Pokemon Mini Plush Doll 396
Starmie 121
Staryu 120
Steelix 208
Stoutland 508
Stoutland Pokemon Plush Doll 508
Stunky 434
Sudowoodo 185
Sudowoodo 3 Inches 185
Suicune 245
Suicune (#2) 245
Suicune Pokemon Plush Doll 245
Sun Castform 351 (2)
Sunflora 192
Sunkern 191
Surskit 283
Swablu 333
Swalot 317
Swampert 260
Swampert Pokemon Plush Doll 260
Swanna 581
Swellow 277
Swinub 220
Swinub Pokemon Plush Doll 220
Sylveon 700
Sylveon Pokemon Plush Doll 700
Taillow 276
Tangela 114
Tangrowth 465
Tauros 128
Teddiursa 216
Teddiursa Pokemon Plush Doll 216
Tentacool 072
Tentacruel 073
Tepig 498
Tepig 3 Inch 498
Tepig Pokemon Plush 6" Doll 498
Terrakion 639
Throh 538
Timburr 532
Tirtouga 5" Pokemon Mini Plush Doll 498
Togetic 176
Togekiss 468
Togekiss Pokemon Plush Doll 468
Togepi 175
Togepi 3 inches Figure 175
Togepi 4 inches Figure 175
Togepi Pokemon Plush 6" Doll 175
Torchic 255
Torchic Pokemon Plush Doll 255
Torkoal 324
Torterra 389
Torterra 3 Inch 389
Torterra Pokemon Plush Doll 389
Totodile 158
Totodile Pokemon Plush Doll 158
Toxicroak 454
Trainer Ash
Trainer Brock
Trainer Gary
Trainer May
Trainer Misty
Trainer Patrick
Trainer Police Jenny
Trainer Professor Oak
Trainer Team Rocket James
Trainer Team Rocket James 3 inches
Trainer Team Rocket Jesse
Trainer Team Rocket Jesse 3 inches
Tranquill 520
Trapinch 328
Treecko 252
Treecko Pokemon Plush 6" Doll 252
Treecko Pokemon Plush 10" Doll 252
Tropius 357
Turtwig 387
Turtwig 3 inches 387
Turtwig Mini Plush Doll 387
Turtwig Large Plush Doll 387
Tynamo Mini Plush 5" Doll 602
Typhlosion 157
Tyranitar 248
Tyrogue 236
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